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Release first utility packages

· One min read
Nicolas Schmidt
Maintainer of Shake
Shake Team
Shake Programming Language Team

We are very happy to release our first pre-release version of Shake! These releases is a pre-releases, and is not intended for production use. This release is intended for testing purposes only. We have no releases of the shake compiler yet, but of some of it's utility packages. We have released the following packages:

  • testlib (v0.1.0) (Extended testing functionality we use in our unit testing for Shake)
  • colorlib (v0.1.0) (Kotlin MPP library for color manipulation in the terminal)
  • common-io (v0.1.0) (Kotlin MPP library for common io operations, streams and such)
  • parseutils (v0.1.1) (Kotlin MPP library for parsing utilities, containing character streams, and other parsing utilities)
  • primitives (v0.1.0) (Kotlin MPP library to extend primitive types with some useful functionality)
  • shason (v0.1.0) (Kotlin MPP library for JSON parsing and serialization)